What is the best grade of tile

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In the past, it was difficult for consumers to compare one tile to another, since there were no consistent standards. Two tiles of similar size, appearance, and perhaps even cost could have very different levels of hardness and durability.

Today, there is a grading system that tells us the strength of tiles — and makes it easy to determine where that type of tile would perform best.

We should not mistake this rating system with the STANDARDS FOR TILE QUALITY, which we will get to that immediately.

Environmental Exposure Classifications

The grade is designated by the tile manufacturer. Technically all tiles that have 1st standard grade or 2nd grade are supposed to meet ANSI A137.1 (American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile)
The performance level of your tile, which may not be listed on the box, tells you how much abuse the tile can take. It also takes into account the entire assembly. Meaning the tile type along with what composes the system such as membrane, wallboard and adhesive type.

You should always keep in mind that:
performance level should not be confused with Environmental Exposure Classifications. Performance level accurately demonstrates what type of traffic a tile can handle and what type of method is approved for a given substrate.

Performance Level and Exposure Classification

Grade 1

tiles are considered the softest and are more likely to scratch easier than the other grades. They should be regularly maintained to ensure longevity. However, grade one tiles are typically the least expensive and are perfect for making beautiful walls and backsplashes.

Grade 2

Similar to grade one tiles, our customers find grade two tiles work well for backsplashes and walls. However, they can also work as flooring in areas with light foot traffic. Grade two tiles can be an economical option for bathroom floors but aren’t recommended for higher traffic areas like kitchens or living rooms.

Grade 3

As the mid-level option, it’s no surprise that grade three tiles are the most commonly used for a wide range of household projects. You’ll find they make great kitchen floors or countertops. You can confidently rely on grade three tiles to withstand your everyday wear and tear.

Grade 4

This is the strongest tile we typically see in residential settings. Grade three tiles will do the trick most of the time, but you can opt for grade four as more of an insurance option.

Grade 5

These tiles can really take a beating and are typically used in high-traffic public and commercial areas. We don’t usually see these in homes, but if you’re looking for a top-of-the-line tile that will last a long time, a grade five is your best bet.

In brief, this scale helps categorize tiles based on how susceptible they are to scratches and other surface damage. Grade 1 ceramic tile is the most susceptible and Grade 5 is the least susceptible.
Each grade of tile has its own pros and cons and your choice will ultimately depend on your own budget, lifestyle and the use.

Top ceramic manufactures of iran who make different high quality tiles, are all working with us. The experts at CP are available to give you personalized insight and help you figure out which grade tile would do best for your need. contact us here.


Read the article “Iranian tiles“, for more information


To summarize the article:

There are two grading systems for tiles:

  1.  Environmental Exposure Classifications
  2.  Performance Level and Exposure Classification

In Environmental Exposure Classifications there are only two grades. Grade one, which can be listed on a box of tile as standard, 1 or first grade and Grade 2, usually listed as 2nd. It demonstrate it’s strength, uniformity and stain resistance.

In Performance Level and Exposure Classification, there are 5 grades and the grade of tile is affected by the mixture of Raw Materials for Ceramic Tiles Industry, and mostly by its’ thickness. Thin, grade 1 tiles are the lowest in quality and grade 5 tiles are the best ones.

But it necessarily doesn’t mean lower grades are so Unusable, they just have different uses. You might want a thicker, more durable tile for a floor with high traffic, while a thinner, lighter porcelain tile is better suited for wall application.


There are tow grading system that tells us the strength of tiles — and makes it easy to determine where that type of tile would perform best.

Environmental Exposure Classifications and Performance Level and Exposure Classification

In Environmental Exposure Classifications there are only two grades. Grade one, which can be listed on a box of tile as standard, 1 or first grade and Grade 2, usually listed as 2nd. It demonstrate it’s strength, uniformity and stain resistance. 

It’s a rating system for tiles, and there are 5 grades which are affected by the mixture of materials used in its manufacture, and mostly by its’ thickness.

grade 1 tiles are the lowest in quality and grade 5 tiles are the best ones.

It stands for American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile

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